It didn't involve getting angry or breaking down and crying.. just the realization that, at that moment, I was not happy. So, I closed my eyes, I look a deep breath, I said a little prayer, and I felt better. I know that nothing will happen in my life that I can't handle. I know that I have a million things to be happy about for every one thing that I'm not.
The more we focus on the positive, the better we feel. So, I am starting "Thankful Thursday" on my blog.
Among the many blessings I have, I am thankful for:
- The breeze blowing though my window
- The rain that makes everything smell fresh and new again
- Playing 'Go Fish' with my kids
- Cookie Dough
- Always having someone to make me laugh
- My long weekend for Memorial Day
- Eggs from my Mom's chickens
- Veggies growing in my garden
- The beautiful yellow rose in the vase in my bedroom (from the rose bush in the backyard)
- The purple flower Jackson gave me for Mother's Day is blooming and I see it every time I walk up to my front door <3