May 27, 2010

Thursday & I'm Thankful

As every human being in existence experiences the feeling of being overwhelmed at some point, today I had my moment. This last month has been very eventful and really trying. Nothing monumental happened to 'push me over the edge' to the point that I was feeling overwhelmed. I think it was just a culmination of everything that has happened in the past few weeks and my perfectionist self not having complete control.

It didn't involve getting angry or breaking down and crying.. just the realization that, at that moment, I was not happy. So, I closed my eyes, I look a deep breath, I said a little prayer, and I felt better. I know that nothing will happen in my life that I can't handle. I know that I have a million things to be happy about for every one thing that I'm not.

The more we focus on the positive, the better we feel. So, I am starting "Thankful Thursday" on my blog.

Among the many blessings I have, I am thankful for:

  • The breeze blowing though my window
  • The rain that makes everything smell fresh and new again
  • Playing 'Go Fish' with my kids
  • Cookie Dough
  • Always having someone to make me laugh
  • My long weekend for Memorial Day
  • Eggs from my Mom's chickens
  • Veggies growing in my garden
  • The beautiful yellow rose in the vase in my bedroom (from the rose bush in the backyard)
  • The purple flower Jackson gave me for Mother's Day is blooming and I see it every time I walk up to my front door <3

May 19, 2010


Tonight we decided, that if we were stranded on a deserted island, this is what we would eat:

Escargot & Burrito

Lettuce Wrap with Wild Mushrooms

Snail/Slug, Dandelion & Cherry Salads

It was a beautiful day after a huge rain storm yesterday. So for our family night we went out and got shakes and then spent over two hours just playing in the backyard. Jackson made a great dish with a worm... but it crawled away before I could get a picture. haha.  We enjoyed a momma bird flying back and forth the entire time from the field behind us, with little bugs in her mouth, to the nest of chirping babies in our tree. 

**no bugs were hurt or consumed in the making of our meals and were all returned to where they were found. Except for the worm...who is still MIA.**

May 13, 2010


Jackson got his first allowance this last week. $5.00. He wanted to spend it right away on his favorite cookies (Lofthouse sugar cookies).  While we were at the store he decided ice cream (Dippin Dots)was in order also. He checked the items himself at the self checkout and paid with his own money. He was very excited and quite pleased with himself. What a boy to spend it on food though. Haha.

Ashleigh however, is saving hers. At the moment, the item to have is an ipod touch. Although, next week it might be something else, who knows with these tweens.

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