I've always had a hard time with massive devastation. Not that it's easy for anyone but my heart just aches for the people of Japan. The pictures and videos that have been coming out of Japan are hard to comprehend. I was in an 7.1 magnitude earthquake and it was terrifying; no power, clasped buildings, buckled roads, collapsed bridges, aftershocks, and wondering when they were going to stop. Maybe that makes it hit a little closer to home. Also, having family on that side of the world; makes it personal. It makes me realize how vulnerable we all are.
How does a country even begin to recover from this? New Orleans is still recovering from Katrina; five years ago. Haiti is still destroyed, now a year after the earthquake there. This will take a massive effort. A solid wall of debris; as far as the eye can see. Boats in the middle of town, cars at the bottom of the ocean, homes and the entire contents of family's lives shattered into a million pieces and scattered as the tsunami traveled with the speed of a jet engine. Unfathomable.

My maternal instinct and the need to provide for my family make pictures like these frightening. Family emergency kits are burried under crushed houses. Gardens smothered with debris ten feet high. Grocery store shelves empty. There is no preparation for this type of catastrophe. The kids and I have decided to donate the money we have been saving for our Operations Christmas Child boxes to the
American Red Cross to help with disaster relief. We have saved about $50 but every bit helps and I'm going to donate though my work so they will match dollar for dollar. While we were talking about it, Jackson went into his room and got the money he was saving for a new toy he wanted, and added it to the jar. He told me, "helping people is more important".
I'm sitting in cozy pj's with my kids safely tucked into bed down the hall. While halfway across the world lives have been lost or forever changed. Japan braved; earthquakes, the tsunami, and now nuclear radiation. I feel privileged. My biggest worry is what's for dinner, finishing up the laundry, or waiting on some test results. It just doesn't seem right. These people are in my thoughts and prayers, please keep them in yours as well.
If you are ever having a bad day; if you are stressed out or things just aren't going your way: write down your problems and put them in a pile with the rest of the world's, I guarantee you will want yours back. I can't stress enough; live your life to the fullest. Enjoy everyday with your family. Eat together, use your 'fancy' plates more often and light candles at the dinner table. Play & laugh together everyday. Never let a day go by where you don't tell the people you love most exactly how important they are to you.