May 31, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Of the many blessings I have, I am thankful for:

  • Fresh strawberries from my back yard
  • Chi tea
  • Field trips
  • Summer rain
  • Sleeping in
  • My new boss (our teams got restructured so I have a new boss again. She is fantastic)
  • Bitter Apple spray, to keep puppy from nibbling on things he's not suposed to (like the new pillows on my sectional)
  • My homemade bug spray working on my fruit trees, at least so far
  • My cell phone still working, even though it got dropped months ago and the screen is cracked terribly 
  • Jackson being promoted to a brown belt in karate this weekend, I'm so glad he's stuck with it

May 26, 2012

Spring Tournament

Jackson trained harder for this last tournament than any other he has participated in. He was practicing at the dojo four days a week, on weekends, and endless time at home. The goal he set for himself was to earn at least one first place medal. 

It was a two day tournament and he participated in seven events: 2 forms, 2 weapons forms, 2 types of sparring and he was part of his dojo's, first ever, demo team. 

I took the family out to dinner at Madeline's Steak House after the demo teams finished with their performances. We all agreed that it was quite possibly the best steak we had ever eaten. Jackson zoncked out on the car ride home. 

Jackson didn't compete against anyone else from our dojo. Out of the other kids participating, none were in the same age and belt level bracket as him. It was a very tough competition. Jackson was up against kids that could do split kicks and areals. Honestly, I was shocked at the skill level of these nine year olds.

My favorite picture!

 Jackson achieved his goal of earning a first place medal. He did great all the way around and I am one proud momma! I am thankful to my mom for coming out for both days to show her support.

1st place - Nunchuck Sparring

2nd place - Contemporary Form
2nd place - Traditional Weapon
2nd place - Contemporary Weapon


After the tournament we invited my mom to join us at Johanna's Kitchen for lunch, which has become a tradition. I loved the look on Jackson's face as he walked out of the event center, with his medals proudly clanking together around his neck. Great job bud!

May 24, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Of the many blessings I have, I am thankful for:

  • Watermelon
  • Ice tea
  • Sunscreen
  • Wind chimes
  • Sprinklers
  • BBQ
  • Swings
  • Tree houses
  • Rain
  • Popsicles

May 20, 2012

Jackson is 9. Happy Birthday!

Jackson at 9

What is your favorite color? Black

What is your favorite animal? Wolf

What is your favorite food? Stroganoff

What do you want to be when you grow up? Architect

What is your favorite book? Eragon, by Christopher Paolini

What is your favorite song? Grenade, by Bruno Mars

What is your favorite TV show? I don't know, I don't watch much TV

What was your biggest accomplishment this year? Making a bow and arrow

What is your favorite season? Winter Why? Because it's cold

Where would you most like to go for a vacation? Hawaii

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Jump on the trampoline

What is your favorite thing to do inside? Play with Copper

What is your favorite restaurant? Sizzler

Who is your best friend? John

Jackson turned 9 on April 3rd. He woke up to some Birthday decorations around the house. The balloons on the fan was especially a hit. (Copper kept trying to case them, which was hilarious)

 Jackson got to open a card from Russell's parents (with a gift card) and a few things from me (arrow heads & 'bee bar') then we headed to Sizzler for his Birthday dinner.

Our server brought out the BIGGEST root beer float any of us had ever seen and we all sang happy birthday to Jackson.

Back at home, he opened the rest of his gifts (A new football, a new pump for his basketball, The game, Mindcraft for the computer from Russell,  Command & Conquer for the Xbox from Ashleigh, and an ipod from me).

We surprised Jackson with these glow in the dark balloons. They are made with little glow sticks inside and ended up being really fun to play with!


This is my beautiful baby girl right after she got her braces on:

Just minutes after getting them off:

She has grown up so much, and way too fast. After two years of appointments every six weeks and all sorts of fun and sometimes crazy color combinations, the braces are off. She is super excited and just in time to start this next school year as a freshman in high school. She got balloons and a goodie bag filled with treats from the orthodontist.

 I treated her to lunch at a new crepe restaurant in town before taking her back to school.

Photography Challenge

I am part of a photography group online. Once or twice a month a themed challenge is posted for photographers to participate. I've participated in a few of these challenges over the last year or so. The most recent challenge was tittled "Silhouette" and I won!

There were some fantastic entries, including a woman's silhouette on a beach and a man's silhouette infront of a sunset. I was honored to win up against so many other great photographs.


The kids spent easter morning with their Dad this year so Russell and I had a nice relaxing morning around the house. We later picked up the kids and headed to my Mom's for a delicious dinner with the family. We had an Eater egg hunt in the back yard and Jackson got to have a horse ride before heading home see what the Easter bunny had left for them (Copper even got a basket with toys and bones).


Hunter's B-day

I need to backtrack a month to catch up. My laptop is out of commission again so I haven't been on top of blogging and it's taken a while to get the older pictures onto this computer.

We were invited to Hunter's birthday party at Classic Skating (my kid's cousin). It was a blast. I hadn't been roller skating in, I don't know how many years. It took a few times around the rink to get the hang of it again but it was really fun. I'm glad Russell and the kids talked me into skating.

Strobe lights, disco balls and music to get you tapping your foot makes for some fun skating. It always nice to visit with family and old friends and Hunter got some great birthday presents!


My Garden

I turned this pile of pallets:

Into this:

...and couldn't be happier. I spent hours of planning and day dreaming for this garden throughout the winter. Originally I had plans drawn up for a beautiful wood fence around the garden and garden boxes. Then reality set in regarding the cost of such a beautiful design. So, it was time to get inventive and revise my plans. My stepdad, Mark had a ton of old pallets from work. He and my mom brought a couple trucks full of pallets over to me and I got busy. 

I took an unused, weed filled, eyesore behind our garage and turned it into our family garden. It took just over a month, start to finish. It all started with cutting down a wild growing tree that shaded the area. The tree was pretty tall so it needed to be cut down in chunks and what better place to start than on the roof.

Meanwhile, we started some seeds inside:

 Fence to keep the dogs out and clear all the weeds:

The building begins. I spend time afterwork and on weekends measuring, sawing, and assembling. In case you didn't know, I love power tools.

Inside, our seeds had sprouted, were transplanted into cups and were doing well.

After the garden boxes were all assembled, I added landscape fabric on the bottom (to block weeds) and added some support posts.

 I got the idea to line the inside with some paper grocery bags online, it keeps the soil from falling out through the slats.

Next step was having soil delivered. This is the first of two truck loads full and the task of filling the garden boxes seemed never ending!

Our seedlings were getting huge, and ready for transplanting by this time

As I was building the trellises I looked back into my yard and it looked like a secret garden behind my rickety old fence.

 I had kept some of the long branches from the tree I cut down to make a teepee trellis for the peas.

It felt amazing to get it all planted. I absolutely love my garden and we've already gotten a handfull of ripe strawberries.

I will keep you updated throughout the summer. This is what's currently planted:


  • Corn
  • Yellow Bell Peppers
  • Zucchini
  • Kale
  • Cabbage
  • Eggplant
  • Cauliflower
  • Brocoli
  • Leeks
  • Red Onion
  • White Onion
  • Garlic
  • Tomatos - 8 varieties 
  • Banana Peppers
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Radish
  • Peas
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber - 2 varieties 
  • Watermelon
  • Cantaloupe
  • Honeydew
  • Pumpkins
  • White Pumpkins
  • Gourds
  • Spagetti Squash
  • Potatoes - 2 varieties
  • Chives
  • Mint
  • Chamomile
  • Basil
  • Parsley
  • Cilantro
Edible Flowers
  • Nasturtiums
  • Pansies


  • Strawberries
  • Apple Tree 
  • Cherrie Trees
  • Plum Tree

(the trees were already planted when we bought our house 5 years ago)

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