Jackson trained harder for this last tournament than any other he has participated in. He was practicing at the dojo four days a week, on weekends, and endless time at home. The goal he set for himself was to earn at least one first place medal.
It was a two day tournament and he participated in seven events: 2 forms, 2 weapons forms, 2 types of sparring and he was part of his dojo's, first ever, demo team.
I took the family out to dinner at
Madeline's Steak House after the demo teams finished with their performances. We all agreed that it was quite possibly the best steak we had ever eaten. Jackson zoncked out on the car ride home.
Jackson didn't compete against anyone else from our dojo. Out of the other kids participating, none were in the same age and belt level bracket as him. It was a very tough competition. Jackson was up against kids that could do split kicks and areals. Honestly, I was shocked at the skill level of these nine year olds.
My favorite picture! |
Jackson achieved his goal of earning a first place medal. He did great all the way around and I am one proud momma! I am thankful to my mom for coming out for both days to show her support.
1st place - Nunchuck Sparring
2nd place - Contemporary Form
2nd place - Traditional Weapon
2nd place - Contemporary Weapon
After the tournament we invited my mom to join us at Johanna's Kitchen for lunch, which has become a tradition. I loved the look on Jackson's face as he walked out of the event center, with his medals proudly clanking together around his neck. Great job bud!