Sep 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This weeks list might be the most random so far. I must have a lot of different things on my mind. I am thankfull for all blessings in my life, both large and small but here are a few on my mind tonight:

  • Indoor plumbing
  • Electricity
  • The feeling of the sun shining down on my face
  • The smell of fresh cut grass
  • The expression on a child's face when they are really proud of themselves
  • Courteous drivers
  • Free lunch at work
  • Fabric softener
  • Alarm clocks (with a pleasant sound to wake up to)
  • Mason jars

Jackson - Belt Promotion

 Jackson is working his way up though the brown belts. He earned his brown belt with a yellow stripe last month. I love his dedication. He was asked to lead some of the demonstrations during the promotion and his "Black Belt Leadership" group gave a weapons demonstration to some of the promoting classes.

We went out for ice cream with one of his karate buddies after the promotion. Way to go bud.

Back to school

My kids hated the idea of wearing uniforms at their new school but they both looked great on the first day of school. My teenager actually likes school and she made the volleyball team this year!

Coordinating Ashleigh's volleyball games and Jackson's karate gets pretty challenging. There are some nights that we leave at 7:30 AM and get home around 8 PM with only a quick stop at home to change and grab a snack. I love watching her games and cheering her on. Russell usually comes right from work to watch her games. I am so thankful for his interest and support with my kid's activities.

Ashleigh's volleyball team is pretty good, it's always entertaining to watch. Last night they won both games they played and Ash dove for the ball to help return it for the game winning point. 

Jackson has an additional karate practice on Fridays now for the demo team in preparation for the fall tournament (that makes 3 per week). They are starting to learn tumbling (cartwheels, back handsprings, etc.)  to incorporate into the demo.

Ashleigh is also going to audition for the school play. I hope she makes it but heaven help me with that schedule thrown into the mix as well!

Morning harvest

I am blessed with a good life. I have a nice home, beautiful things to fill it with and all sorts of the latest techie gadgets. But, I have to admit that very few things in life make my soul happier than this:

*Basil *Parsley *Grapes *Cantaloupe * Zucchini * Lemon Cucumbers *Tomatoes * Eggplant *Pepper *Onions *Carrot and a little bouquet of flowers for my bathroom counter. My favorite "me time" has been the time spent in my garden over the last few months. Fresh air, birds chirping, and white butterflies all around me in my own little secret garden. Which was just a neglected weed patch behind my garage this time last year. It really is rejuvenating.  I can't believe it's almost the end of September. I am truly going to be sad when the season is over.

Sep 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Of the many blessings I have, I am thankful for:

  • Russell cooking dinner every night for almost two weeks, mowing the lawn and doing laundry on his day off
  • Jackson being my little gentleman by carrying groceries and opening doors without being asked
  • Ashleigh, after fighting me tooth and nail, really enjoying her new (charter) school and having better grades than she has in years (she told me she would like to be in a charter school for high school too rather than going back to a regular public school)
  • My Mom helping our with school clothes this year since both kids needed a while new wardrobe because of uniforms at their new school & sharing fresh eggs from her chickens with us
  • My brother for letting us rent his house at a really great price
  • Neighbors for sharing produce from our gardens back and forth
  • Teachers at my kids school for getting them interested and even excited about learning

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