It's cold. VERY cold. The high was only 38 degrees. Normally this wouldn't be an issue however, our heater is completely broken and my house is freezing. The good thing is that I'm getting a new furnace installed on Saturday. The bad thing is that my finger tips and nose are quite cold in the mean time. All in all it's not that bad. We have 2 space heaters to keep us from freezing to death and it helps us to appreciate things a little more.
When I picked up the kids from school today we went to a second hand store to get the rest of Ashleigh's costume for Halloween. She is a fairy. The highlight of the shopping trip was when Jackson (unknown to him) leaned up against the emergency exit only door and the store's alarm system started blaring throughout the entire store!! It was deafening. Jackson, of course was mortified and started crying. I told him it was ok and gave him hug. In his defense... the door didn't even say anything about an emergency exit or that an alarm would sound, just a simple hand written note that said, "please use other door". After about 5 min, someone finally came over to the door and locked it, causing the alarm to stop. We did end up with a pretty cute costume in the end so the shopping trip was a success. Just a very eventful one!
I didn't do anything on 'the list' today. In fact I thought of a few things to add! Ahhh, I'm moving backwards. Maybe I will start a second list after I finish the first, that way I wont get too overwhelmed.
Well, time for bed. But before I go.. I just wanted to say we had the most delicious dinner tonight. It was Ashleigh's idea. Soup in a bread bowl. Ash. had clam chowder while I opted for creamy tomato soup with some cheese shredded on the top, a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of chopped bacon. Yummy!