Woo-hoo! Just crossed four things off
my list. I'm feeling motivated to get things done now, which is probably a good thing since I have dishes to put away and two loads of laundry looking at me begging to be folded and put into their perspective homes. I also need to straighten up the house in general from a long and crazy week.

I just checked online and Jackson's library books are overdue (oops) and apparently the movies we borrowed a few weeks ago were taken back late, so I better make my way over to the library to drop off the books and pay the fine (ouch). I have come to the realization that the Library just does not work for us. I can't tell you have many fines we've payed for books and especially movies over the years. What I need to do, is take the kids once a week on the same day so it becomes a habit and our items are never late. Hmmmm, I think I will add some schedule type items to the
next list.
I think I will make myself some hot chocolate to sip on.... darn, I'm out of milk now. I'll have to add that to my shopping list. People are going to start thinking I'm obsessed with lists! Maybe my sudden craving for lists is a cry for more order in my life. You would think a single mom of two busy kids, who works and goes to school along with doing freelace design work on the side would have plenty of order! hahaha
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