Nov 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I've really enjoyed doing Thankful Thursday over the last year and a half. Thanksgiving is around the corner and I have a fun project planned for the next couple weeks to get everyone in the house involved with taking the time to really be thankful. (Info & pictures coming soon)

Despite what you may think, not everyday is perfect and filled with sunshine & butterflies around here. (insert sarcastic laugh here) While most days are great; pleasant and peaceful we do have some chaotic days too. Lately I've felt like I'm the middle of a three ring circus. In fact, I've thought of selling my kids to the circus multiple times this last week. So if you know of a ringmaster in search of children with attitudes, especially an 8 year old boy... Let me know!

Being thankful helps me get through the rough moments of the week. Sure, the kids might be driving me crazy by leaving the house a mess or not doing what they are told without loads of complaining, but my kids are here, they are healthy and live happy lives (even if they are currently upset about having to help with laundry). I think of all the parents sitting next to their children in hospital beds or those children that have returned to heaven and it breaks my heart for them while at the same time causing me to appreciate what I have even more.

That principle can be used for everything. Don't want to get out of your warm comfy bed and go to work? Think of all the people looking for jobs. They struggle to pay their heat & power bill or to just simply put food on the table.

Don't feel like cleaning your house? Think of those that have lost their homes because of natural disasters or of all those living in homeless shelters due to a string of unfortunate events.

We really do have a lot to be thankful for. So many people are having to deal with rotten situations, many are due to circumstances outside their control and through no fault of their own.

Of course we are contunually trying to improve our lives but quite a few of those improvements come from within. Be thankful for what you have rather than dwel on what you don't. It will change your life for the better.

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