I love to blog yet the idea of catching up on a month's worth of our lives is a bit overwhelming.
Last month, on a Sunday night, I came down with a slight cough after feeling fine all weekend. I woke up Monday morning with chest pains and difficulty breathing. It was slightly alarming to say the least. After a couple hours at urgent care I found out pneumonia was the culprit. Since I had gotten a pretty bad cold just weeks before, my immune system was still recovering and left the door wide open for new viruses & bacteria. Eww, that sounded gross as I typed it. I apologize.
Every possible symptom of Pneumonia... I got. Even the 'rare' ones. Lucky me. Ashleigh juiced veggies & fruit we had in the kitchen and it was the most amazing thing I ever tasted after three days of no food. She was my hero. I took all the shoulder rubs, neck massages, and foot rubs I could get. My sweetie had flowers delivered and they were absolutely beautiful and surprisingly lasted for weeks! My Mom was a life saver though the whole thing. She even stopped by to pick up laundry for us (our washer broke a few days before I got sick, go figure). She helped clean up my kitchen once, which shamefully looked a bit like a hurricane ran though it, she also took the kids and Rusty out Christmas shopping a couple times and more than once she stopped by with some groceries.

I wasn't getting better as fast as I should have. It's been a month now. After four office visits, two chest x-rays, and six different prescriptions... I am almost back to normal. The pneumonia finally subsided but I caught a head cold last week and still have zero energy.
I feel like, after being home for a full month I should have been able to accomplish so much... clean, organize, work on projects. My Mom thinks I'm kidding myself, I've barely had enough energy to get out of bed, shower and chauffeur the kids to school most days.
Being so sick, I am thankful that; I was able to get out for a couple hours to enjoy my family on Thanksgiving, go to Jackson's karate promotion to blue belt (and got his certificate for passing off the first form with nun chucks), and attend (and be a part of) the most exciting event.. my brother's wedding (which will be an entirely different post)!
Sadly, Jackson lost a gold fish this month. It's always hard to see your kids sad and hurting but the four of us gave Shark Bait a proper burial in the back yard and Jackson was ok within a day or two.
Last month, on a Sunday night, I came down with a slight cough after feeling fine all weekend. I woke up Monday morning with chest pains and difficulty breathing. It was slightly alarming to say the least. After a couple hours at urgent care I found out pneumonia was the culprit. Since I had gotten a pretty bad cold just weeks before, my immune system was still recovering and left the door wide open for new viruses & bacteria. Eww, that sounded gross as I typed it. I apologize.

I wasn't getting better as fast as I should have. It's been a month now. After four office visits, two chest x-rays, and six different prescriptions... I am almost back to normal. The pneumonia finally subsided but I caught a head cold last week and still have zero energy.
I feel like, after being home for a full month I should have been able to accomplish so much... clean, organize, work on projects. My Mom thinks I'm kidding myself, I've barely had enough energy to get out of bed, shower and chauffeur the kids to school most days.
Being so sick, I am thankful that; I was able to get out for a couple hours to enjoy my family on Thanksgiving, go to Jackson's karate promotion to blue belt (and got his certificate for passing off the first form with nun chucks), and attend (and be a part of) the most exciting event.. my brother's wedding (which will be an entirely different post)!
Sadly, Jackson lost a gold fish this month. It's always hard to see your kids sad and hurting but the four of us gave Shark Bait a proper burial in the back yard and Jackson was ok within a day or two.
December was pretty low key. Not a million things going on which can tend to happen around the holidays. My goal was to give my family a good holiday season but also to get better and try my hardest to keep anyone else from getting sick! I used Lysol wipes on everything, and made sure everyone was taking vitamins. Russell did end up getting a mild case of walking pneumonia, poor guy, but luckily he was better quickly!
Wedding and Christmas posts coming soon, stay tuned.
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