Of the many things I am thankful for, here are a few on my mind today:
- Blue skies and sunshine. Which we have none of today, making me even more thankful for the days we do.
- My kids. I just see and hear so many bad decisions being make by other kids their age and hear about it from other parents. I'm so glad I have good kids.
- Hair straightener. I went to bed with wet hair last night, it was a tad bit crazy when I got up this morning.
- Windshield wipers. It has been snowing and raining. Imagine trying to drive without them.
- Indoor plants. They make my cubicle a much better place to spend five hours of my day.
- Chicken noodle soup. So simple and inexpensive to make but oh so delicious.
- Dryer sheets. Static can be particularly crazy in this dry winter air.
- Purse. I would have a lot of things to carry around in my pockets without it.
- Cheese & Crackers. Quite possibly one of the best snacks ever.
- Copper. I've been freezing but I have this nice warm ball of fluff curled up on my lap right now and he's helping me stay warm.

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