I got to the store where I needed to exchange a pair of shoes for Ashleigh (which were completely worn out after just two months) and had to deal with a store manager with a terrible attitude. Oh my goodness, she was a beast.
After dinner and with a raging headache at this point, one of my favorite plates broke due to someone (who shall remain nameless but had never do this again) setting a plate on the edge of the sink, on an angle, so it slid right off the edge onto the floor in no fewer than a hundred pieces. One of which finding it's way into my foot. I'm frustrated with my kids not doing things that they know need to be done (like throwing away a wrapper, or rinsing a dish) or only doing things halfway (throwing something away but missing the garbage and not picking it up). I'll just chalk it up to kids being kids but I'm thinking some extra chores might be coming their way if they keep it up. Kids, I am your mother and not your maid.
Even after a stressful afternoon I can still reflect on all the blessings I have. In all honestly I've had a good day. Lucky for me I have a boyfriend that really stepped up when he saw I was stressed and helped me out. I can't stress enough how much it meant when he walked over to me and rubbed my shoulders and neck when I literally put my head down on the coffee table in frustration, then offered to help cook dinner and even did laundry while the chicken was in the oven.
A few things I am thankful for today:
- Russell Brown
- Copper sleeping in his own bed on the floor the last two nights. He is just way to big and sprawls out way too much for it to be cute anymore when he sleeps in my bed.
- Masson jars. Super easy breakfast and lunch for work. Oatmeal with some berries tossed in, add hot water and go. Layer in some fresh ingredients for a salad, add a little salad dressing at lunch time and give it a shake.
- Frozen vanilla bean yogurt & fresh fruit tigers blood popsicles yum.
- The officer that did not ticket me today.
- My department moving up to the 4th floor from the 2nd floor today. Beautiful mountain and lake view but high enough to not see the parking lot or streets anymore.
- Spring. Everything is blooming. My fruit trees are breathtaking.
- Trash to treasure. I'm going to use a bunch of old pallets my mom and Mark have laying around to build my garden boxes. No spending a bunch of money on lumber and reusing something old is always a great 'green' solution.
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