What a trying week. My kids Aunt Melissa passed away unexpectedly. My kids are at their Dad's for a few weeks for the summer and their Aunt lives there too. Last Friday was her birthday, she was my age. She hadn't been feeling well but she was hanging out and joking around with my kids like usual. By the next morning she was moaning in pain, would not wake up then started having seizures.
Melissa was taken by ambulance to the hospital. She was in a coma. It turned out to be meningitis. A case more severe than her doctor had seen before. She was put on life support until today when her family let her pass on. Life is so precious.
I have known Melissa for 13 years. She even lived with my ex and I for a couple months when we were still married so I had gotten to know her quite well. I have some pretty funny memories fishing together. It's so sad that she is gone.
My daughter watched all of this happen Saturday morning and was traumatized. My daughter and I talked for hours and hours about what happened. She felt bad for ever saying a rude word to her. She was scared it could happen to someone else or to her. She didn't want to be alone or go back to her Dad's where it happened. She was scared to go to sleep. She was unsure about what happens when you die.
My kids Dad and I are of different faiths, and therefore have different perspectives on what happens when our life on this earth is over. My daughter is stil figuring things out for herself. I told her it is very simple, "It will make sense in your head and feel right in your heart" and that's all there is to it. I reassured Ashleigh that Melissa was greeted with open arms by her brother and sister who had already passed, along other loved ones. We also talked about how important it is to treat people well, live everyday the best we can and tell our family that we love them everyday, because we never know how much longer we will have here. Everyday is a gift and we shouldn't take it for granted. I did reassure Ashleigh that no amount of teasing or occasional rude remarks would make Melissa think, even for a second, that Ashleigh did not care about her. Saying goodbye to someone in your life is hard for any adult but I think especially difficult for a child.
My alarm went off this morning and before I even opened my eyes I was already complaining to myself about not wanting to go to work. All I wanted to do was; stay home, relax, enjoy my house and my garden. Then I thought, the biggest problem I have is that I don't want to go into work? Yet 15 minutes away, laying in a hospital bed, was someone I've known for a long time and her life was ending later today. It could have just as easily been me. How dare I? I felt selfish. I have no room for complaint.
Every day is truly a blessing. My day should have started with a grateful heart. I get one more day to live where so many do not and I get one more day to enjoy my loved ones where many pass away all too soon. Please keep Melissa's family in your prayers.
With a very heavy heart, here are some things I am especially thankful for today:
- Faith
- Hope
- Love
- Prayer
- Good Health
- Comfort
- Patience
- Modern medicine
- Friendship
- Understanding
- Forgiveness
Melissa had no insurance.
If you can find it in your heart and your pocketbook to help, please go to any Wells Fargo Bank Branch and deposit in the "Melissa Red Reeves Memorial Fund" to help relieve some of the financial burden on her family and give her the service she deserves.