Too bad I can't say that with a straight face. In all reality I've totally dropped the ball on meals this summer. It's too hot to use the oven. Crock pot meals are only for cold weather (at least that's what my conscience it telling me). No one wants to eat the same thing. I'm not even hungry. Take your pick from any of the above mentioned excuses.
We've been eating out more than I'd like to admit. The funny thing is, I like to cook. Apron and everything. It's calming, I'm creating an edible masterpiece (or so I tell myself) and helping to keep my family healthy.
I need motivation.. enough to last forever or at least enough to get me through this next school year. I remember talking to the mom of one of Ashleigh's friends a couple years ago and she telling me that her kids get cereal for dinner all the time because she's too busy to cook. I refuse to be that mom. Although, eating out multiple times per week isn't much better in my eyes.
I would be happy eating from the garden every night. Veggies; sauteed, baked or fried.. they are all good in my book or a fresh salad. I'm a light eater lately and most days don't even have an appetite. My family, especially the boys would think i'm crazy if I put a plate of veggies on the table and called it dinner. I need things healthy but substantial, quick, easy and inexpensive.
What are your favorite weekday meals? What are your tricks to stay on top of things? Motivate me...school starts on Monday.
My current favorite thing is to take those veggies, add tortillas and salsa and make a sort of fajita...or a good bread and cheese and make paninis. I find carbs to be filling so it works for us. Good luck and if you get any great recipes pass them along :)
ReplyDeleteLove it, why didn't I think of those?! Guess I need help thinking outside the box lately. Thanks Char, I will definitively be adding both ideas to the menu.