*steps onto soapbox*
I think many of us, myself included, have a tendency to turn a blind eye to things that aren't right. Yet, we easily judge those that actually stand up against the 'norm'.
There's a family on my ex's family tree that are Raw foodist. They were referred to as the 'wierd' family because they are different. When, in fact, eating raw is amazing for you. The more research I do, the more health benefits I find and the more respect I have for that family. I think most people are quick to judge those that are different. If you take the time to learn and understand or just have an open mind, there is a wealth of knowledge available to you from people with other lifestyles or from different cultures. The, it's strange and different so it must be wrong, mentality is awful. I'm thankful to have been raised to think for myself, think outside the box, and not be afraid to ask "why?"
We have been watching quite a few documentaries this last year and my eyes have really been opened to eating healthy. That's one reason why I feel so strongly about people watching Food Inc. & Food Matters (trailers are on the right side of my blog). I think some people are scared to watch them because its, again, something different. I've been told about people.. not just people but adults, giving my kids a hard time for eating healthy!! In what world is that okay? Never discourage someone, anyone, but especially a child, from eating healthy!
I watched a documentary last week called, The Corporation, and it really made me angry. We all know there is corruption in corporate America. We are fortunate enough to live in the best country of the world but it's very corrupt. The anger wasn't so much about what's happening, because most of us have know for decades that corruption is happening but it was because I felt there was nothing I could do about it. It bothered me for days so I started brainstorming. I decided to get other's involved so I want to form some kind of event, on Facebook, where people can sign up to buy from local only stores. I am still working on the details but I am very excited!
(click to make larger)
The other thing I did was call the grocery stores in my area. The grocery stores we usually shop at are not locally owned but they do carry many items & produce that are grown/made by local companies. I talked to store managers, store directors and even corporate offices to get our locally produced items actually labeled in our stores so consumers will know.
"$1.00 spent on local product
has the effect of adding $4.00 to $6.00
to our Utah economy while reducing our carbon footprint."
We have a wonderful program here in Utah called, Utah's Own. Local merchants and farmers can sign up to become an official 'Utah's Own' merchant. They get listed on the website for consumers looking for local companies but also, those items can be labeled in grocery stores. I really hope to see those labels showing up in our grocery stores now!! I'm going to be looking for them.
Let me know if you notice a change as you are out shopping and encourage your store managers to label Utah's Own products if they aren't already labeled in your stores!!
I guess the whole point of this blog is; for one, watch Food, Inc. if you have not done so yet, and two, you can make a difference. Every dollar you spend is a vote for what we want in our stores!
*steps off soapbox*
*goes back to folding laundry*
I just have to add (because I'm still chuckling over it) Jackson, my 8 year old, sat down next to me to see what I was writing a couple minutes ago. After a few seconds he yelled, "Ashleigh! Mom is making a speech to be President!"
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