I will never forget the feeling on that day. I held it together all day at work but as I drove home and saw the all the flags at half mass, I lost it. I cried for days. I sat in front of the TV just hoping for some good news, hoping that they saved more people, and hoping to get answers.
Now, ten years later, we have answers and the pain has faded some but I really wish we could hang on to that sense of community. We are blessed enough to live in the best country on this planet, but sometimes we forget that. Anyone, myself included, could have been born to a family in a third world country. I feel like we take so much for granted.
I think it's important to realize those, nearly 3,000 people are gone everyday of the year, not just on anniversaries. Our sense of community and being one nation under God was never stronger than the days and even weeks that followed 9/11/2001. I wish we would keep that feeling year round. I feel like we owe it to ourselves, our families, and all of those that have lost their lives though out history, to really appreciate what we have.
Last night, the four of us went to the Healing Field. which is an amazing way to help visualize and comprehend the sheer enormity of human loss that occurred in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
I remember the first year this was set up. Over the years this display has grown. The names and short bio of almost every person is tied to each individual flag. The bronze statue, done by a local artist, was unveiled this week in front of the Sandy city hall building. There was even a large metal piece of debris from one of the towers. I loved seeing so many people there; large families, small families, older couples, business people, biker people, and all different race & religions, it brings back that sense of community. We even saw our cousins, the Gibsons, there.
The kids reading about David, a 3 year old that died on flight 175
This flag was for Diane, on her way to Hawaii to spread her father's ashes alongside her mother's
Anthony, firefighter and father of 6 who's youngest was born 3 days after Sept 11th.

Down the side of the field were signs explaining where that group of people were during the attacks
Trade Towers
A section of state flags for our Utah service men and women.
"In memory of all service members who have fought in the war against terrorism. The Soldiers Memorial field continues to grow so that September 11th field does not."
This is one that brought tears to my eyes. I was so sad to hear about his death on the news last year. He lived not far from us, a young man with a new born baby. On my way home from work a few days later, sitting at a red light, I saw a hearse drive though the intersection with a multitude of vehicles following behind bearing the American flag. I knew it was Private Byrd being brought home. I sat in my car and just sobbed.
Jackson kept fixing all the flags he passed if they had gotten twisted in the wind. I thought it was so sweet.
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