I got phone call from an unrecognized number one afternoon and a very fast speaking lady was on the other end of the line. She introduced herself and her company and told me the two of my friends, Derrek & Ali had referred them to me.
She explained that her company, Energy Savers, will come out to your house and perform an energy audit of the insulation in your house and use the power and gas companies rebates to pay for additional insulation if your house qualifies.
I was skeptical but agreed to set up a time they could come to the house. Then immediately texted my friend to make sure it was legitimate . Turns out he was referred by his boss who had already done this at his home with great success.
Their technician showed up and checked both of our attic spaces, took some measurements, and explained the process to us. He had a breakdown of the different R values of insulation and being that my home was built in 1965, there are certainly better options now 50 years later. We could have increased the insulation to just what is required now-a-days and it would have been free with the rebates through the utility companies, but we opted to get the max possible and it was only $110 out a pocket.
The next step was to set up a full energy audit with the utility company because they had to see what we have before signing off on some major rebate checks. It was a really neat experience. The utility company performed a 'blower door test' where a high powered fan sucks all the air out of your house... you then walk around and can feel with your hand where the air is pulling from to find drafts. Doors, light switches, it was a great way to find all those pesky drafts so we could take care of them on our own.
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