I always plan to have a fun little surprise as soon as my kids wake up on their birthdays. It makes a great start to their special day. Jackson's celebration started the night before his birthday. After he fell asleep, 'Operation: Fill Birthday Boy's Room with Balloons' began. Ashleigh and I blew up balloons to scatter around his room for a fun surprise when he woke up. It was late and we may have been light headed from all the 'hot air' but it was hard to sneak into his room without waking him up with all the giggling.
Ash wrapped this about 8 times, each layer was a different type of wrapping paper!
Jackson had really gotten into Pokemon again, after finding out a lot of his friends at school play. He got lots of new cards, trading boxes, sleeves and a new binder to organize them into.
Russ' parents watching Jackson open the gifts from them (they live in Iowa)
Stinky skunks |
What is your favorite color? Green

What is your favorite animal? Wolf
What is your favorite food? Steak
What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite song? Some Nights by Fun
What is your favorite TV show? Don't have one
What was your biggest accomplishment this last year? Wining a trophy in Lego Robotics
What is your favorite season? Spring or Winter Why? Because it's cold in winter and spring because it's not super hot or super cold and it's my birthday
Where would you most like to go for vacation? A foreign country
What is your favorite thing to do? Playing video games with my friends
Where do you like to go for dinner? Somewhere with a good burger
Who is your best friend? John
My Mom always does a special activity with my kids for their birthdays. I love that every year they have a new special memory instead of a gift they will out grow or eventually forget about.
This year, his birthday date was a surprise coupled with a sleepover. He absolutely loved spending night at grandmas. He got special treatment and got the guest bedroom to himself. They stayed up late watching a favorite tv show, then his favorite breakfast in the morning. They rode the horses, collected eggs from the chickens, and he learned how to drive their 4-Wheeler!
His surprise was trip to an indoor archery range!! He LOVED it, and was quite a hit with some of the other people there. He's getting to be quite the little expert.
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