Jul 20, 2010

Laurie Madsen

I tend to put off Blogs that are hard to write. I suppose it's in hopes that the words will just come to me, rather than struggling for just the right thing to say.

I met the Madsen's when I was 14. I immediately felt welcome in their home and later became a part of their family. I have connections with every one of them. For quite a while, I felt Jay was more of a father to me than my biological father and my step dad. I spent endless hours with Laurie (my other Mom) and the kids. I always knew I could ask Laurie for advice on parenting, and did many times off and on though out the years. 5 years later when going though my divorce, the Madsen family (especially Mom) made it quite clear that even though I'm getting a divorce from my ex... I was not divorcing them also! Laurie always made sure I knew how special I was to her and to her family and how wonderful of a mother I am.  I learned a lot from her both in talks we have had and though her amazing example.

Laurie's first round with cancer was when I was a teenager. I am so thankful that she was able to stay with us for so many more years. It was devastating when I found out that her cancer came back a few years ago... and when  I learned there was nothing that could be done this time, it was heart breaking. I remember thinking this is a person that has done everything right and it's just not fair. At that point you just have to put your trust in God and have faith that everything will be ok.

I always felt so much love from her. She loved me as her own daughter and always made it clear. About a month ago when I was visiting she told me the story from her childhood about why she loves chocolate so much (especially Dark Chocolate) and it was really special to just sit and talk and share stories with each other. I talked to her a few days before she passed, and even though she was confined to a bed, she still had such a zest for life. She was full of light and love and she lived her life to the fullest. I'm glad my kids got to know her and they will have such great memories of her. I know I am blessed to have known her and we will all miss her. I do take comfort in knowing that she was ready to go, that she was at peace about going home to heavenly father.   Her funeral was absolutely beautiful and brought closure to a lot of people. There were a few things Nate said that really hit home for me and I will never forget.

Thank you for teaching, sharing and loving us so much Laurie. Love you.

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