Sep 30, 2011

Buying local & making a difference

*clears throat*

*steps onto soapbox*

I think many of us, myself included, have a tendency to turn a blind eye to things that aren't right. Yet, we easily judge those that actually stand up against the 'norm'.

There's a family on my ex's family tree that are Raw foodist. They were referred to as the 'wierd' family because they are different. When, in fact, eating raw is amazing for you. The more research I do, the more health benefits I find and the more respect I have for that family. I think most people are quick to judge those that are different. If you take the time to learn and understand or just have an open mind, there is a wealth of knowledge available to you from people with other lifestyles or from different cultures. The, it's strange and different so it must be wrong, mentality is awful. I'm thankful to have been raised to think for myself, think outside the box, and not be afraid to ask "why?"

We have been watching quite a few documentaries this last year and my eyes have really been opened to eating healthy. That's one reason why I feel so strongly about people watching Food Inc. & Food Matters (trailers are on the right side of my blog). I think some people are scared to watch them because its, again, something different.  I've been told about people.. not just people but adults, giving my kids a hard time for eating healthy!! In what world is that okay? Never discourage someone, anyone, but especially a child, from eating healthy!

I watched a documentary last week called, The Corporation, and it really made me angry. We all know there is corruption in corporate America. We are fortunate enough to live in the best country of the world but it's very corrupt. The anger wasn't so much about what's happening, because most of us have know for decades that corruption is happening but it was because I felt there was nothing I could do about it. It bothered me for days so I started brainstorming. I decided to get other's involved so I want to form some kind of event, on Facebook, where people can sign up to buy from local only stores. I am still working on the details but I am very excited!

(click to make larger)

The other thing I did was call the grocery stores in my area. The grocery stores we usually shop at are not locally owned but they do carry many items & produce that are grown/made by local companies. I talked to store managers, store directors and even corporate offices to get our locally produced items actually labeled in our stores so consumers will know.

"$1.00 spent on local product
 has the effect of adding $4.00 to $6.00 
to our Utah economy while reducing our carbon footprint."

We have a wonderful program here in Utah called, Utah's Own. Local merchants and farmers can sign up to become an official 'Utah's Own' merchant. They get listed on the website for consumers looking for local companies but also, those items can be labeled in grocery stores. I really hope to see those labels showing up in our grocery stores now!! I'm going to be looking for them.

Let me know if you notice a change as you are out shopping and encourage your store managers to label Utah's Own products if they aren't already labeled in your stores!!

I guess the whole point of this blog is; for one, watch Food, Inc. if you have not done so yet, and two, you can make a difference. Every dollar you spend is a vote for what we want in our stores!

*steps off soapbox*

*goes back to folding laundry*

I just have to add (because I'm still chuckling over it) Jackson, my 8 year old, sat down next to me to see what I was writing a couple minutes ago. After a few seconds he yelled, "Ashleigh! Mom is making a speech to be President!"

Sep 29, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Of the many blessings I have, I am thankful for:

  • A sky full of stars and telescope set up on my deck
  • Cool crisp morning air
  • A warm bed to sleep in
  • Hoodies
  • Bonfires
  • Knowing that just one person really can make a difference (details coming soon)
  • My dishwasher
  • Washer & Dryer
  • Roasted pumpkin seeds (which sound oh-so-delicious right now, I need to buy a pumpkin this weekend)
  • Healthy cookies (mmmm, yes please)

Sep 26, 2011

Time again

It is officially Autumn, my favorite season. I like 'Autumn' so much more than 'Fall'. Fall just sounds like something that happens when you fall down the stairs while Autumn sounds like warm sweaters, hot cocoa and all the leaves changing color. Not only does the calendar say its autumn but the fist Christmas wish list has been posted on the front of the refrigerator... so, summer is officially over.

Time to trade out the hanging flower basket at my front door, for my autumn welcome sign. Honestly, I'm not sad that summer is over. We enjoyed swimming, camping, vacations, countless sleepovers, late movie nights and dinners grilled in the backyard.  Time for jackets, boots & pumpkins, I'm ready. But please people, don't get carried away, no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. One season/holiday at a time.

Sep 24, 2011

Vanishing of the Bees

" Only when the last tree has been cut down;
Only when the last river has been poisoned;Only when the last fish has been caught;Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."
-Proverb, American Indian
I wanted to see this movie when I saw a trailer last year. I was excited to see that it's on Netflix now!  Rusty and I watched it with one of our friends tonight and it was wonderful. Very informative and even thought provoking. I've had the crazy idea of keeping bees for about 15 years now, this movie makes me want to even more now! haha  It is amazing though, how so many things are connected. If you have watched Food Inc. or Food Matters, you will know exactly what I mean.

Sep 22, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for every breath I am able to take. I am thankful for everything, be it good or bad, that has happened in my life, and even more grateful that so much happened at a young age, so I can live my life with perspective.

Sep 19, 2011

At a glance - Last week

A few fun things from this last week

1. Jackson's best buddy, John, came over after school and they did their homework together. I thought it was too cute listening to them work out the problems. 2. I get tired of the kids saying, "I'm bored" sometimes, so I made a bored jar. Every time they tell me "I'm bored", they have to pick a slip of paper out of the jar. They could get anything from an extra chore to reading or drawing a picture. There are about 20 different activities. Ashleigh was so curious to find out what was on the slips of paper that she purposely said, "I'm bored" and picked out an activity; much to her dismay, it said, "Write 'I'm bored' 50 times". 15 minutes later she did it again... and pulled out the exact same one! We all laughed pretty hard since she had to write it 100 times. I took the lid off the jar to take the picture you see above and saw a suspicious strip of blue paper that was a different from all the others. I unfolded the paper to see, "play a video game or computer for 30 min." written in Ashleigh's handwriting. She tried to pull a fast one having no idea that I did put in a slip for 30 minutes of video games already! 3. 1 chair, 1 bar stool, blankets and pillows make for a great fort in the family room. With blankets strategically placed, of course, so the T.V. can still be seen for a movie. 4. Finally! Red cherry  tomatoes. I've been nurturing these tomato plants from seeds and here it is mid September, I was starting to wonder if the harvest would even be worth it but it is. I want to expand next year and have a bigger garden. 5. Parry the Platypus or 'Agent P' is an undercover secret agent on a cartoon show the kids like to watch. Ashleigh thinks he's pretty "awesome". 6. Jackson with his armful of 'chapter' books from the library. Jackson + new books = big smiles.

Sep 18, 2011

Be happy

The happiest people 
do not have the 
best of everything
They make the best 
of everything they have.

Sep 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Of the many blessings I have, I am thankful for:

  • Rusty being so involved with the kids. He has gone to every one of Jackson's karate practice, helps Ashleigh with studying & encourages them both to succeed. It's nice for them to have that daily encouragement from a male role model and someone besides their mommy.
  • Jackson's love of the public library & the librarian who waived a huge fee on his card after leaving a book at his Dad's all summer. She told me that the kids can have two library cards, one for each household (awesome)!
  • Ashleigh's good common sense about boys rather than getting all boy crazy, like so many of her friends & classmates.
  • Cool summer nights. A slight breeze, crickets chirping & a sky full of stars.
  • Cute family movies, that we can all enjoy together (we watched Rio earlier).
  • Sliced bananas on top of a bowl of cereal. Yum. Special K has been my favorite. I've never been a big cereal eater, but it's been growing on me.
  • 10 Pounds. Got on Wii fit when the kids were playing the other day, scared of what it was going to tell me after not working out since before summer began... I'm down 10 more pounds! Go me.
  • Leah Fox, Jackson's karate instructor. She is so great with her students. She scheduled a private lesson for Jackson this Saturday after I talked to her about his anxiety regarding sparing. He's very worried about hurting someone on accident. Sweet boy.
  • Things just falling into place. It seems inevitable that something will come along to upset this harmonious balance but I'm sure enjoying every minute of it.. and who knows, this could last for a very, very long time.
  • Tomatoes. The ones I planted are finally ripe. Late in the season though so I have a feeling I will be bringing them inside to the sun room next month so I can keep harvesting even after it freezes outside. (I can't believe it's almost October!)

Sep 13, 2011

The Broken Road

Great song and it's been stuck in my head all night because Ashleigh is on her 199th time of singing it tonight. Haha Anyway, I just wanted to share it with you also. Hope you have a great night.

I can't believe it's been ten years. 9/11

A day that will never be the same for many of us. On the tenth anniversary of September 11th there are many more memorials and TV coverage than most years. My heart goes out to all the families and friends that knew the people who lost their lives but also those living with injuries and side effects every day of their lives.

I will never forget the feeling on that day. I held it together all day at work but as I drove home and saw the all the flags at half mass, I lost it.  I cried for days. I sat in front of the TV just hoping for some good news, hoping that they saved more people, and hoping to get answers.

Now, ten years later, we have answers and the pain has faded some but I really wish we could hang on to that sense of community. We are blessed enough to live in the best country on this planet, but sometimes we forget that. Anyone, myself included, could have been born to a family in a third world country. I feel like we take so much for granted.

I think it's important to realize those, nearly 3,000 people are gone everyday of the year, not just on anniversaries. Our sense of community and being one nation under God was never stronger than the days and even weeks that followed 9/11/2001. I wish we would keep that feeling year round. I feel like we owe it to ourselves, our families, and all of those that have lost their lives though out history, to really appreciate what we have.

Last night, the four of us went to the Healing Field. which is an amazing way to help visualize and comprehend the sheer enormity of human loss that occurred in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

I remember the first year this was set up. Over the years this display has grown. The names and short bio of almost every person is tied to each individual flag.  The bronze statue, done by a local artist, was unveiled this week in front of the Sandy city hall building. There was even a large metal piece of debris from one of the towers. I loved seeing so many people there; large families, small families, older couples, business people, biker people, and all different race & religions, it brings back that sense of community. We even saw our cousins, the Gibsons,  there.

 The kids reading about David, a 3 year old that died on flight 175

This flag was for Diane, on her way to Hawaii to spread her father's ashes alongside her mother's


Anthony, firefighter and father of 6 who's youngest was born 3 days after Sept 11th. 

 Down the side of the field were signs explaining where that group of people were during the attacks



Trade Towers

 A section of state flags for our Utah service men and women.

"In memory of all service members who have fought in the war against terrorism. The Soldiers Memorial field continues to grow so that September 11th field does not."

 This is one that brought tears to my eyes. I was so sad to hear about his death on the news last year. He lived not far from us, a young man with a new born baby. On my way home from work a few days later, sitting at a red light, I saw a hearse drive though the intersection with a multitude of vehicles following behind bearing the American flag. I knew it was Private Byrd being brought home. I sat in my car and just sobbed.

Jackson kept fixing all the flags he passed if they had gotten twisted in the wind. I thought it was so sweet.

Sep 10, 2011


"If I'm losing balance in a pose, I stretch higher and God reaches down to steady me. It works every time, and not just in yoga."  ~Terri Guillemets
In one of my first few semesters of college I took a yoga class. After the semester ended, my body craved it. It wanted that movement, my muscles wanted to be stretched and my mind needed those minutes of quiet meditation. There are many health benefits to yoga but there is such a spiritual connection as well.

I continued yoga off and on over the last couple years. Admittedly, more off than on. I've been practicing again lately though, and I had forgotten how good it makes you feel. When done in the morning, it wakes up my sleepy body and energizes me for the day. I fall asleep quickly and sleep better when I do yoga at night; it's relaxing and melts the stress of the day away.

I usually do a simple Sun Salutation. It's always been one of my favorite. I found a good short video to explain how to this so you can try it. Just do it on your own level, to the best of your ability...your body with thank you.

Week at a glance

Here are a few bits and pieces from this last week:

1. I love this rose bush. It's right off the deck in my backyard and it blooms constantly from spring though the end of fall 2. Jackson's sparing gear came in for Karate and he was super excited.  He figured out, if he wore the helmet backwards, he looked like a knight (and a t-shirt makes a good shield). He also thought it was pretty cool to shape the mouthpiece so it fit just right, but he was not happy to find out all the boys have to wear a cup or groin protection haha. I think he was a little embarrassed. 3. I made a small loaf of honey wheat bread one night, thinking it would be nice to have for sandwiches for the next couple days. Between the four of us, butter and some raspberry jam, we ate the entire loaf that night... before it even cooled off. 4. We bought some steaks and had them marinating in the fridge for a couple days. We cooked all but two steaks on the grill for dinner (along with corn on the cob, and baked potatoes) and the next day I was going to make sandwiches with the last two. I sliced them up pretty thin and caramelized some onions and garlic then rolled it all up in a crescent roll with a little mozzarella and baked for 15 min. They were delicious! I'll have to keep some ready made crescent roll dough in the house more often for a quick & easy meal, or dessert. I can fill them with almost anything, the possibilities are endless. 5. Ashleigh & Rusty making breakfast (pancakes & sausage). Is it just me, or does food usually taste better when someone else cooks it for you? Maybe because it's cooked with love. (Awww Ok, I'm done being cheesy/mushy) 6. It was Labor Day weekend and I enjoyed having Monday off work. We had a full house since I let both kids have a sleepover, It was great to see them having such a fun time playing board games for hours on end..even if we did end up with a few straggler game pieces around the dinning room and family room by the end of the weekend. 7. I tackled this mammoth geyser in my front yard and can officially say, I now know how to replace sprinkler heads. It is surprisingly simple and for those of you keeping track, the front yard will now return to it's regular watering routine.

Sep 8, 2011

Thankful Thurdsay

Of the many blessings I have; I am thankful for even the very basics:

  • Fresh drinking water
  • Never going hungry
  • Electricity
  • A comfortable bed to sleep in
  • Clean clothes to wear everyday
  • A roof over my head
  • Education for my children
  • Freedom of religion
  • Clean air to breathe
  • Good health

Sep 3, 2011

This week at a glance

Here are a few bits and pieces from this last week:

1. Ashleigh's version of Lady Gaga. Yes, that is a soda can in her hair! I think watching the VMAs (Video Music Awards) inspired a crazy new look. 2. Were did the week go? Everyday this week I kept hoping work would go by fast but my entire week ended up flying by! Apparently, I've been on auto pilot this week. I need more sleep. 3. We have a fantastic grape vine growing allong the fence in our back yard and all the grapes are turning color this week! I hope they taste as good as they look. 4. We aren't big TV watchers but we caught a bit of a new show and got hooked. Ashleigh & I have watched all the episodes of this new series. Some of the characters are deaf so they use sign language constantly. I've been saying forever that I've wanted to learn ASL well enough to carry on a conversation, maybe I will actually do it one of these days. Something to add to my bucket list! 5. We've enjoyed some great garden Zucchini lately. My mom and co-workers have had an abundance this year. My favorites are grilled on the BBQ with some Parmesan and breaded with some Italian seasoning and pan fried. Yum. 6. The nerd glasses. Ashleigh wears them all the time but Jackson decided to rock them this week. He looks quite intelligent doing his homework with these thick rimmed glasses. 7. Installed a great set of solar powered landscape lights in the front planter. 8. Very rarely is there soda in our house but I admit we have bought two cases of this special kind of Mt. Dew. over the last couple weeks. It's delicious, too bad it's only available for a limited time.

Sep 1, 2011

Thankful Thurdsay

Of the many blessings I have; I am thankful for:

  • A hot shower after a long day
  • The 30 minute power nap I got after a crazy work day
  • Ashleigh offering to help cook dinner tonight especially after she cooked dinner by herself last night
  • The kids doing homework and chores without complaint - which did NOT happen today, but I am very thankful all the times it does happen
  • The patience Rusty has for helping Ashleigh with her homework; especially since she insisted that she take honors English, Science and Math
  • Flavored dental floss
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Jackson's love of reading
  • Ashleigh's love of photography
  • Sitting on my kids bed, hand in hand, saying our nightly prayers

Lets play a game!

I just paid my phone bill and thought this was amusing. 

This is a screen shot from my cell phone bill for last month. This shows the amount text messages from each phone.

 Out of; my mom, step dad, brother, daughter and myself, can you guess who sent which amount of texts? 

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