Mar 27, 2011

Festival of Colors

 Today was so fun! We celebrated Holi, the festival of colors at the Sri Sri Radha Krsna Temple. It was great. People from all faiths, ethnicity and age came together to celebrate. It was a fun way to bring in the new spring season. I've always enjoyed learning about other people and cultures and think it's important for my kids to be able to experience new things too.

After a quick explanation of what Holi is, they had a wonderful message before the countdown (to throw the colors) saying, everyone has their own talents and you should find a way to use them for good and help others.

Everyone was happy. Smiling. Laughing. Even in a crowd that large I did not hear one foul word, a disagreement or even a baby cry.

Looking forward to going again next year.

 Dancing in front of the stage:

Since we were close to Springville, we stopped to visit Grandma Madsen & cousin Jessie's graves before heading home.

tired Jackson... and poor side of my car! haha


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That looks like SO much fun. I've always wanted to go there. I LOVE the cute pictures.

  3. Maybe next year; we'd love to see you there!


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