Feb 20, 2010

Quick...I need an intervention!

I had a horrible day at work. and I mean HORRIBLE. Despite the fact I was bound and determined to have a great day as I woke up this morning, it really wasn't so great. I don't know where these people come from but my co-workers and I named today as National Jerk Awareness Day. I tell ya, they were coming out of the woodwork!

I woke up this morning to blue skies. I did a little yoga. I made oatmeal for breakfast... and some green tea. I packed low fat string cheese, some sliced veggies and a bottle of water to take with me for a snack. I was healthy.

By the time I got off work I was craving a juicy, greasy, six dollar portobello mushroom burger from Carl's Jr. like you would not believe.... with fries......................and a drink.

I called my Mom and told her I needed an intervention. I explained my dilemma and she talked it out. Something about "picture 5 of those burgers added to your hips" was very persuading. haha. I love my Mom!

I decided on stopping at the grocery store on the way home for some whole wheat hamburger buns and some garden burgers. I came home and made a delicious lunch. I wrote down how many calories were in everything as I was cooking (because I was curious). I added in all the calories, including the butter I used to saute the mushrooms and onions in. The grand total: 585 Calories. I looked on Carl's Jr. website to see nutritional information. Had I gotten that burger and fries (not including drink or fry sauce that I would have, no doubtingly, drowned my fires in) The grand total....ready for this.... 1420 Calories!

So, I feel great. I avoided temptation. I can put my horrible work day behind me and enjoy what's left of the weekend. Here's a picture of my masterpiece:


  1. For dinner I made tuna salad in a lettuce wrap. Supper healthy and yummy. I'm very proud of myself. Now just to get in the habit and do this everyday!

  2. ...I have also realized that I eat when I'm bored. I need to find a way to combat that. I'm open for suggestions!

  3. I'm so proud of you! You could open your own healthy resturant and call it " RaNelle's Intervention Cafe"

  4. haha, you can be my first customer!


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