Dec 21, 2010

Next stop: Insecurity-ville

At 30 years old, you would think I've learned the inner workings of my own thoughts by now.


I spent a couple hours thoughtfully wrapping Christmas gifts while my kids were out enjoying Christmas lights downtown with their Dad & his family. Choosing gift wrapping paper based on someone's favorite color and the decorative name tag according to the one they would like the most. I picked a gift, wrapped it, tied it with shiny ribbon, and topped with a beautiful bow. Before placing it under the tree, I say a little prayer for the person who will receive the gift. The tree lights were twinkling, the sweet smell of candles wafting though the house and the soft Christmas music playing in the background. I was in my own little world as if I was wrapping right in Santa's secret workshop.

20 Minutes later, after talking to someone I barely knew, I was completely derailed. I felt like I was struck by the Polar Express itself on it's way to the North Pole. A comment was made, and I assumed to know what it meant, and it caused my entire night to come to a screeching halt....until, I realized something:

It does not matter.

It feels like it matters, but it really doesn't.

Who I am does not change because of someone's opinion.

What I stand for does not sway because of a misunderstanding or miscommunication somewhere along the way. (Which has happened way to much in the last 6 months)

Think of all the people in history that were absolutely loathed because of who they were but became great leaders, or someone extremely significant to all of us. Surely I'm no Martin Luther King, Jr. but it just puts things into perspective. Jesus Christ himself was the greatest thing to ever set foot on this earth yet not believed and misunderstood by so many.

Perspective is good.

Happily, I'm back on track and thankful for all the blessings I have which heavily outweigh the few hiccups along the way. Next time, I wont let someone else's opinion rob me of a pleasant evening.

I'll leave you with this quote which I have come across many times:

“Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.”


  1. Beautifully expressed! Thanks for sharing. And, by the way, I think you're amazing. We just have to remember that we know who we are even if other people don't.


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