Jan 4, 2011


Everyone on this Earth wants the same things. We want to be happy, healthy, able to support ourselves/families, to be loved and have someone to love. It still boggles my mind to think this and realize how much hate is in this world. I wish everyone would open their eyes, minds and hearts. The amazing thing is that you will feel better, and have more joy in your life, if you are more open to helping others. I urge you this year to be more thankful, more forgiving, and giving of yourself to others, like the quote says,

"be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandhi

This topic has been weighing heavily on my mind for months now. This was the first song I heard in 2011. It came on the radio as I was driving to work. I've heard it a few times since and it still gives me goosebumps. I wanted to share it with you:

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