Jan 2, 2012

Goodbye 2011...Hello 2012

2011 was a great year. I hope that every year just keeps getting better.  My personal theme for the year was forgiveness and I am proud to say that I was actually able to forgive a certain person after struggling with it for years. This year has been very eye opening for me. I've watched countless documentaries and researched all sorts of topics and it has really broadened my horizons. 

Jackson is doing great in both school and karate. He is still very much a mamma's boy although refuses to even hold hands with me in public. Ashleigh is quite the fashionista and is beautiful beyond her years. I am thankful that she is so trustworthy and I've enjoyed watching her first teenage year unfold. Probably the biggest change of the year was Russell moving out to Utah with us which has been great. We have tons of fun together.

2012 is a leap year. This will be my theme. My goal is to "leap" into this new year wholeheartedly; mind, body and soul, to better myself and the world around me. I'm not making any new year's resolutions... at least I'm not calling it that. Rather, just continuing to change my life for the better.

Don't get me wrong; I by no means, have a bad life. In fact, I am very blessed. My family and I have a great life but I am on the quest for something more. Something within. Enlightenment, if you will. I have a bucket list of things I've been wanting to do. Some things I have (slowly) started but others, for some reason, never have. What is holding me back? Fear of the unknown,  fear of failure, the worry of what people might think, the untrue belief that a single person cannot make a difference?

This is a personal leap but I do want to leap outward as well. I want to leap into bigger and better ways to pay it forward. I donate clothing and household items throughout the year to various organizations. I can give stuff with no problems. Yet, I am embarrassed to admit, I don't donate myself, my time. Why have I never donated blood? Why have I never volunteered a local soup kitchen, homeless shelter or animal shelter? I have wanted to for years but never have. What's stopping me? ...only myself.

I will continue to leap into better health. I will leap into enriching my family & my relationships. I will leap down the path to my own personal enlightenment.

...and it will be amazing.

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