Mar 11, 2012

Exercise Room

My laptop is up and running (woo-hoo!).  The kids are at their dad's for the weekend, Rusty is sleeping in a little bit, and Copper is basking in the sun on the back of the couch which leaves me with a quiet, peaceful house. I'm sitting on my new chaise, still in pj's with my favorite blanket and a hot cup of coffee. This is what weekends are for. The rich aroma from pouring my coffee took me back to my Grandma Alice's house as a little girl. We would visit a couple times a year and the grown ups always had coffee in the morning. I have very fond memories of visiting grandma's so it brought a smile to my face and it was a great way to start my morning.

On a Thankful Thursday post last month I wrote about my new exercise room so here is the long overdue picture. (Pardon the poor quality but it was taken at night and with my cell phone.)

This new space is in the 'game room' off to the side of our entry way. The trampoline has officially come down and this exercise spot is across the room from the fireplace. I should have taken a before picture but I did manage to track down an old picture of that space. With the trampoline down, the couch and bookshelf moved to the other side of the room. Sadly Sierra's fish died after a power outage with no air pump for a while but gave way to us getting rid of the HUGE fish tank.

It's nice having a space we can all use. Ashleigh and Jackson like to use the treadmill especially. The key is to actually use the new space on a regular basis. I'm still working on that part.


  1. You took me back to Grama's, too, mentioning the Sunday coffee. When Aunt Jacque and I were little, we climbed into the giant bed between Mom and Dad and sipped coffee-milk while reading the Sunday funnies. Thanks for the memory, sweet niece. Love, Aunt Glory

  2. My pleasure! I was so excited when I was old enough to have coffee-milk. I had forgotten about that until you mentioned it. I will have to let my kids have some, they will love it.


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